Taekwondo, Hapkido, Boxing/Kickboxing, Self Defense, Fitness Classes for Adults, Teens and Kids in Paso Robles, North County

The Central Coast Academy of Taekwondo is recognized around the city, the state, the entire nation as an outstanding college of Martial Arts, Fitness, and Health. Organizations like the World Tae Kwon Do Federation (WTF - headquartered in Seoul, Korea) the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), the United States of America Tae Kwon Do (USAT), the National Governing Body of Tae Kwon Do in the United States (headquartered at the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado) the California Unified Tae Kwon Do Association (CUTA), the Governing Body for the state of California Tae Kwon Do, the United States Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), the San Diego Martial Arts Association and our parent organization the South Western Association of Martial Arts (SWAMA), all recognize CCATKD as one of the premier, outstanding schools of martial art.
CCATKD students and instructors have integrated numerous geographical locations throughout our state, our country and the world, establishing training locations and centers where the discipline and serious techniques are taught. At CCATKD, emphasis has always been placed upon excellence - excellence in personal discipline, excellence in physical achievements, excellence in academics, and excellence in martial art technique and fighting ability.
At CCATKD, we are proud to present instruction in Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Boxing and Kickboxing, Fitness, Health, Nutrition, as well as setting a standard for a high level of moral and personal attitudes and achievement.
One outstanding part of the CCATKD experience has been the success in rehabilitation training. Our school has been called upon to provide rehabilitation for individuals injured in accidents, patients from a variety of medical and clinical treatment programs, as well as individuals needing assistance with weight loss, nutrition alternatives, confidence building and personal self defense.
The CCATKD experience has been achieved in numerous lives, and is especially evident in the large numbers of young men and women, CCATKD students, who proudly serve in the United States Military Services - Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
As the Grand Master and Master Instructor for Central Coast Academy of Taekwondo, I am extraordinarily proud of our student body, and the entire CCATKD family. Let’s continue to be the best!
- Grand Master Glen Boyer